The Benefits of Dental Implants

With the advancement of dental technology, it's now possible to restore missing teeth, a full chewing function, and keep the taste of your upper palate with the use of dental implants. In the past, getting dentures was been the only way to fix several missing teeth. The dentists at Lycoming Dental Associates in Muncy, PA, specialize in dental implant technology. 

Dental Implants in Muncy, PA, Feel More Natural

Because the dental implant is part of your jaw, you're not sticking an entire tray of fake teeth in your mouth. Your tongue and chewing functions remain normal. You're able to brush and floss the dental implant as a normal tooth.

Dental Implants Last for Life Compared to Dentures

In some cases, dentures can be cheaper, but dental implants last for life. Dentures may only last maybe a decade on average; then, you have to have them replaced. Dental implants are done one time, and you're done for life. The dental team at Lycoming Dental Associates in Muncy, PA, is ready to help you decide whether dental implants are right for you.

Dental Implants Keep Bones from Eroding

When a person has missing teeth, the bone underneath the space eventually begins to erode since it's not correctly stimulated through chewing. This erosion is normal and will happen 100% of the time. When the bone starts to deteriorate, it can start changing the shape of your mouth and may give the appearance of premature aging. Putting a dental implant tells the bone that it still has a job to do. Dentures don't do that for your teeth.

Eat Your Favorite Foods Freely

With dentures, you have to be conscious of what you eat and when you eat it, as the dentures are stuck to your mouth with an adhesive. They can pop out, or damage can occur. In addition, dentures block part of the taste function you used to have. Dental implants allow you to continue as though you did not have decayed or missing teeth, with a typical taste function.

Dental Implants in Muncy, PA, are Safe

The types of implants that are worked into your jaw naturally bond with the jawbone. The body does not reject the implants at all. Your mouth is quite happy to have a natural-like, permanent fixture where your tooth used to be.

If you're looking for dental implants in Muncy, PA, look no further than the qualified dental team at Lycoming Dental Associates in Muncy, PA. Call the office at 570-546-8888 today for an appointment!

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